giovedì 27 novembre 2008


(spi)ritual OMnipotence is participating at the 9th International New Media Art Festival Pixxelpoint,, that will open at the Nova Gorica City Gallery (Mestna galerija Nova Gorica) on December 5, 2008, at 8.00 PM. The festival will run from December 5 to December 12, 2008.

This year's edition of the festival focus on the theme “FOR GOD'S SAKE! How the media change the way we imagine / represent / honour / curse the divinity”, suggested by the Italian art critic, teacher and curator Domenico Quaranta.

You can experience "the anti-institutional, new media rituality suggested by OtherehtO" (1) by visiting Galerija Tir in Mostovna (Cesta IX. korpusa 99 A, 5250 Solkan), where the project will be exhibited during the period of the festival.

(1) Pixxelpoint 2008 press release

1 commento:

one ha detto...

La tema che rappresenti su Pixxelpoint e molto interesante. Ti auguro buon proseguimento del lavoro.